Bilingual Program Goals
DCISD offers Bilingual programs at Dodson Primary and Kelley Elementary. The goals of the Bilingual program are that ELL students will become competent in listening, speaking, reading and writing in English through the development of literacy and academic skills in the primary language and English, be academically successful, and participate equitably in school.
The bilingual classrooms in DCISD is a program of instruction in which both the students’ home language and English is used for instruction. The amount of instruction in each language with the bilingual education program is proportionate to the students’ level of proficiency in each language and their academic achievement. The DCISD bilingual program is an integral part of the regular educational program in which state adopted English and Spanish instructional materials are used as curriculum tools to enhance the learning process.
ESL Program Goal
DCISD offers ESL programs at Bill Gravitt Jr. High and High School. The goal of the ESL Program is to provide non-native English-speaking students of other language with opportunities to develop their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in English utilizing second language methods and to equip them with the academic strategies necessary for successful study in a language and culture that may differ from their native language and/or culture.
The Texas Administrative Code (§89.1205 (d)) specifies that all English language learners for whom a district is not required to offer a bilingual education program shall be provided an English as a second language program. Our ESL program is designed to develop proficiency in the comprehension, speaking, and reading of the English language. Instruction in our ESL program will commensurate with the students’ level of English proficiency and their level of academic achievement.
Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.051 -29.064 - Bilingual Education and ESL Programs
DCISD Bilingual Handbook 2024-2025
Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 89. Subchapter BB. Commissioner's Rules Concerning State Plan for Educating English Language Learners (PDF, 202 KB)
DCISD Bilingual Director: Taunya Campbell (806) 592-5900 or taunya.campbell@dcisd.org