About Mrs. Gibson
NAME: Janet Gibson
CAMPUS: High School
GRADE: 9-12th
SUBJECTS: Algebra I Pre-AP, Geometry Pre-AP, Algebra 2 Pre-AP, Algebra 2
BEST WAY TO CONTACT ME: Phone (806-592-6619)CERTIFICATION/DEGREE INFO: B.S. (Math and English) Secondary Education - Texas Tech UniversityPROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: Texas Council of Teachers of MathematicsHOMETOWN/BACKGROUND: O'Donnell, TX. Small town farmer's daughterHOBBIES: Gardening, reading, and outdoor activitiesFAMILY: Husband - Kevin, Children - Jennifer, Amanda, and ChaseFAVORITE QUOTE: "As long as Algebra is taught in school, there WILL be prayer in school." - Cokie RobertsOTHER INTERESTING INFORMATION: National Honor Society Advisor, Student Council Co-Advisor, District and Campus Site Base Committees, Mathematics Dept. HeadWHAT DOES IT MEAN TO "BE DC": Denver City is my home and where I have raised my three children. I love this community and strive every day to be a role model and demand the very best from my students. I want to prepare them to be successful in whatever career they choose to follow and give them the tools they will need for the future. We are very diversified but still all one "family".