Welcome to Curriculum & Instruction
Chief Academic Officer
Mrs. Campbell serves as the DCISD Chief Academic Officer. She has 31 years of experience in education, 16 of which she has served in administration. During her career in education, she has served in a variety of capacities, which include teaching, counseling, gifted instruction, administration in both elementary and secondary and Director of Curriculum and Instruction/Federal Programs. During her career, Mrs. Campbell was named LMS Secondary Teacher of the Year, Best of Lea County Secondary Teacher 2005 and NM College Awareness Counseling Coalition, Counselor of the Year.
She and her husband, David, are the proud parents of their daughter, Kathryn, who is a graduate from Texas Tech University. Mrs. Campbell is honored to be a member of DCISD and is honored to serve the students, parents and teachers of Denver City.
Interactive Science Glossary on the Texas Gateway
The Interactive Science Glossary is a dynamic resource that offers an engaging new way for students to experience science vocabulary and activities. Use this resource as a reference tool or as part of science instruction. The resource features written and recorded definitions and sentences in both Spanish and English, images, web links, and printable flash cards.
Visit the featured resource on the Texas Gateway to learn more and to begin exploring the Interactive Science Glossary.
Interactive Math Glossary App Now Available
TEA’s Interactive Math Glossary app is now available in the iTunes and Google Play stores. The glossary is designed to help teachers explore and understand mathematics vocabulary used in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Each glossary term is displayed in a four-quadrant Frayer Model.
To download for iOS devices, go to https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/interactive-math-glossary/id1051404376?mt=8.To download for Android devices, go to https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gov.texas.tea.math.glossary&hl=en
Texas Gateway
The Texas Gateway, a free online resource library for educators and parents provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), is now available. Visitors to the Gateway are able to search for resources by grade level, subject, TEKS, and keywords. Educators may also search and self-enroll in online professional development courses. To learn more about the Texas Gateway and the available resources, visit www.texasgateway.org, check out the Getting Started Guide, or contact TEA at txgateway@tea.texas.gov.
Teacher2Teacher Mathematics Video Series
The Teacher2Teacher math videos demonstrate strategies for teaching mathematics concepts. Learn more about the Teacher2Teacher videos by visiting the Teacher2Teacher Math Video Series resources on the Texas Gateway. Teachers can also use the “Browse TEKS” search feature on the Gateway to find Teacher2Teacher videos that address specific student expectations.
Gateway Resource: Restorative Discipline
Restorative Discipline Practices in Texas is a new resource available on the Texas Gateway. Restorative Discipline Practices in Texas began in fall 2015. The Texas Education Agency partnered with the Institute for Restorative Justice and Restorative Dialogue at The University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work to participate in a statewide roll out.
The resource contains a series of videos explaining the history and components of restorative discipline practices. For more information, visit Restorative Discipline Practices in Texas.Gateway Courses Available: Texas Dyslexia Identification Academy
New online professional development courses continue to be added to the course catalog at Gateway Courses. The latest course to go live is Texas Dyslexia Identification Academy: Dyslexia Foundations. The course explores the elements of reading, what dyslexia is and is not, and the process for dyslexia evaluation. The primary resource referenced throughout the course is The Dyslexia Handbook—Revised 2014: Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders (Dyslexia Handbook).
Interested participants may browse all Gateway Courses and self-enroll. Districts may request copies of courses for integration with local learning management systems. For assistance and information, contact txgateway@tea.texas.gov.
Math & Science (Grades 3-8 and High School) Resource Available
Teachers and administrators can now learn more about the Texas Achievement Items Repository (TxAIR) system with the TxAIR video tutorials, now available on the Texas Gateway. The TxAIR system allows teachers to create TEKS-aligned assessments for math and science (grades 3–8), Integrated Physics and Chemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. For more information, contact txair@esc4.net.
Professional Development
The link below will take you to ESC17 where you will be able to register for professional development opportunities.